Denture Clinic – Calgary SE – Dynamic Dental

Our SE Calgary denture clinic offers an array of denture options for people missing a few, many, or all their teeth. Dynamic Dental’s Dr. Vranjes spent his childhood summers working in his father’s denture clinic and lab, and as such, has had a lot of experience working withFull Denture - Calgary SE Denture Clinic - Dynamic Dental dentures and getting a correct and comfortable fit for his patients.  At Dynamic Dental, we want our patients to love their new dentures, and we’ll make every effort to ensure they are happy. We encourage our patients to bring in photos of what they would like their teeth to look like, for instance, photos from when they were younger and had all their teeth, or a photo of a smile they would love to have.  We’ll do a wax try-in of the denture, so we can make any needed changes before we make the final denture. This allows our patients to see what their teeth will look like, and ensure they are happy with the shape, type, and color of the teeth. We provide complimentary minor adjustments for all dentures that we make at Dynamic Dental.  Dr. Vranjes will work in collaboration with his patients and a top-quality Calgary denture lab to ensure you love your new smile.

Calgary SE – Denture Clinic
Dynamic Dental 
Full-service Calgary denture clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
Our SE Calgary denture clinic offers a wide variety of denture options

Common questions about dentures at our SE Calgary denture clinic:

What is a denture?

A denture is a replacement for not having teeth (not a tooth replacement).  A denture does not replace the root, but it can be very good at restoring aesthetics.  Dentures consist of a base (usually acrylic) with acrylic teeth set into it.  The denture is supported by the gums, and although it will help with chewing, it does not allow for the same forces that you can generate with teeth anchored in bone.  Most people can learn to eat and function very well with dentures.

Full dentures are indicated when you are missing all your teeth, and partial dentures are for people who still have some of their natural teeth.

How long do dentures last?

A temporary denture is usually made to last one to six months, as it is used to replace missing teeth, while more permanent treatment options (usually implants) are being planned and completed.  A precision denture is meant to last five to ten years. Precision dentures typically need replacement as a result of teeth that have been worn flat, and/or bone loss under the denture.  People that haven’t replaced their dentures in over 10 years, often have their chin sticking out further, and their lower teeth are in front of the upper teeth; this often results in an increased amount of wrinkles around the mouth.  Replacing your denture every five to ten years allows you to maintain the ideal space between teeth, and reduces the amount of wrinkles around your mouth.

Is there any maintenance needed with dentures?

Like anything in life, if you do not maintain your dentures, they will not last as long.  We recommend you clean your dentures at least 1x/day with soap and water, and at least 1x/week with a denture cleaner, such as Polident or Nova. We like to see our denture patients at least once a year to check the fit of their dentures. Over time, you may find your dentures start to rock back & forth. When you remove a tooth from your mouth the bone where the tooth root was shrinks at a faster rate, which can create space under the denture.  This space makes the denture feel loose, and can lead to sore spots as the denture rocks.  We can fill this space in by way of a denture reline, which we typically recommend every one to three years.  This does not change the bite, or your smile, it just fills in the gaps created by bone loss.

What should I do if I have sore spots from my denture?

If you have a new denture, or recently had a reline of your denture, it’s quite common to get sore spots.  A sore spot is simply an area of the gum that gets irritated from the denture rubbing in one specific spot.  Left untreated, it can become an ulcer.  Sore spots caused by pressure usually get worse until either the denture is not worn, or the area is adjusted.  We encourage our patients to book an appointment for denture adjustments; *there is no charge for minor adjustments to dentures that we’ve made.

If you’ve had your denture for months or years, and suddenly have pain on the gums, it can be caused by some sort of trauma, such as biting down with chips or nachos under the denture.  This type of sore will usually go away relatively quickly on its own if the denture is left out and warm salt water rinses are used.

What kind of dentures do you make?

Dynamic Dental Calgary offers many types of dentures to meet your individual needs

A Temporary or ‘Flipper’ type of partial denture 

This type of denture is usually made out of acrylic, occasionally with small metal clasps that help hold it in place.  This is a temporary fix, and is usually more for aesthetics than function.  Temporary dentures can be made quickly, but don’t usually feel as comfortable as a precision denture.  Temporary dentures replace one of more teeth, but there has to be at least a few of your own teeth to help hold the denture in place.

Partial Dentures Calgary SECast partial denture

A cast partial denture is a more permanent denture than a temporary (flipper) denture, and uses a casted frame to clip onto existing teeth. Little grooves are often placed in the natural teeth in an effort to give the partial denture more stability and retention.  Every effort is made to hide the metal behind the teeth.

Precision complete denture

A precision complete denture is often referred to as a plate. A precision complete denture replaces all the teeth on the upper and/or lower jaw.  A precision denture usually involves four to five appointments. Each patient’s individual situation is different, which may result in the need for fewer or for more appointments, depending on the need to extract teeth, alter the bony ridge, etc.  Dentures typically take 4-6 weeks to be fabricated from the initial appointment, but often can be expedited if needed.    

The first appointment at our denture clinic typically involves taking an impression to plan the design and support of the denture.  Once the design is complete, any necessary alterations are made to the teeth, and a final impression is taken.  This is followed by a bite registration appointment, which is used to align the upper and lower jaw, and to make sure the teeth are placed correctly. Lastly, to make sure you love what your new teeth will look like, we will do a wax try in, which allows us to evaluate the bite and the aesthetics before the denture is fully processed.

Although your dentures will be ready to wear after a trial fitting and a briefing on how to care for them, a few follow-up visits to the clinic will help us make sure your new dentures feel as good as they look. 

Immediate Partial or Complete Denture
In cases where a tooth extraction is planned, we can often have the denture ready for you the same day the tooth (or teeth) is extracted.

This is great when the front teeth are being extracted.  In these cases, we usually recommend a less expensive temporary denture be made, followed 6-12 months later by a precision denture that can be tried, to ensure that the aesthetics are ideal.

Implant dentures

These can range widely as there are many different options, depending on the number of implants and the goals of treatment.  A common implant denture is the LOCATOR retained lower denture.  Usually, two implants (sometimes more) are placed on the lower jaw near the front, and the lower denture is then attached to the implants with a ‘snap fit’.  You can still remove the dentures to clean them, but the implants help stabilize the dentures during function.  Other types of implant dentures include bar retained dentures, and dentures that actually screw into the implants.  These can only be removed by a dentist.Implants - Denture Clinic Calgary SE

Dentures are a replacement for not having teeth, not a tooth replacement.

This quote helps explain the difference between dentures, and other treatment alternatives such as an implant.  

Many people are missing teeth, and are daunted by the cost of dental treatment or the time that would be needed to replace their teeth with implants.  Dentures can be a quick and less expensive option, or dentures can be a more permanent option in certain situations. Dr. Vranjes will help you choose the type of denture that’s best for you, based on whether some or all of your teeth are going to be replaced, and the cost involved.  If you are considering dentures, give us a call and we can schedule a free denture consultation with Dr. Vranjes.

Calgary SE – Denture Services
Dynamic Dental 
Full-service Calgary denture clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
Our SE Calgary denture clinic offers a wide variety of denture options
