Sedation Dentistry/Nitrous

Through the modern miracles of sedation dentistry, we can now safely treat anxious patients and often accomplish all dental work in one visit.  Oral sedation dentistry and Nitrous oxide dentistry allows appropriately trained dentists to create a safe and comfortable dental experience for patients who have avoided the dentist out of fear or who might have time restrictions.  Dental phobia, or fear of the dentist, is not uncommon.  In fact, many people avoid dental treatment altogether and the health of their mouth deteriorates as a result.  We offer sedation dentistry at Dynamic Dental so you can get the smile you’ve always wanted without the stress and fear that you may feel before and during dental procedures.

Dynamic Dental – SE Calgary
Sedation Dentistry 
A full-service family oriented SE Calgary dental clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE

Who is a candidate for oral sedation dentistry?

Nearly all patients are candidates for sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry can help patients who have…

  • High fear and anxiety for dental treatment
  • Traumatic dental experiences
  • Difficulty getting numb
  • Undergoing surgical procedures
  • A bad gag reflex
  • Very sensitive teeth
  • Complex dental problems
  • Limited time to complete dental care
  • Inability to control movements due to conditions like Parkinson’s disease or Cerebral Palsy

How does Oral Sedation Dentistry work?

For dental treatment under oral sedation, you will take a small sedative pill prior to treatment.  This will help you feel relaxed and sleepy by the time we start your treatment.  It is necessary to have a responsible adult accompany you to the office.  During your dental treatment, a trained assistant will be with you monitoring vital signs. Dr. Vranjes and our experienced team will perform all necessary dental work and although you are in a deeply relaxed state, you will be responsive to any questions or requests.  When the procedures are complete, you will be gently awakened and will have no memory of your treatment.

How Does Nitrous Oxide work?

The equipment used for delivering nitrous oxide is quite simple.  It consists of a supply of compressed gases and an apparatus which delivers the gases to the client.  By turning some knobs and flipping on/off switches, the administrator can produce the desired mix of N2O-O2 in the desired quantities.  Flowmeters and pressure gauges allow the administrator to keep an eye on the flow of gases. The desired N2O-O2 mix is fed through a tube to which a nasal hood or cannula is attached. This hood is put over your nose. All you have to do now is breathe normally through your nose.

If you are interested in being treated under the comfort of sedation, call our office for a consultation with Dr. Vranjes and see how you can be benefitted.  Don’t let anxiety and fears come in the way of your dental care!

Dynamic Dental – SE Calgary
Oral Sedation Dentistry – Nitrous Oxide Dentistry 
A full-service family oriented SE Calgary dental clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
