At Dynamic Dental, Calgary SE, it is our hope that our patients maintain the health and stability of all their teeth.  And although we take steps to prevent tooth loss, through detailed cleanings, exams and other general dentistry treatments, decay may be too advanced, or an injury may be too severe to save the tooth.

Dynamic Dental – SE Calgary
Wisdom Teeth Extraction
A full-service family oriented SE Calgary dental clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE

Dr. Vranjes may recommend extraction for a number of different reasons, including existing damage to the tooth leaving no chance for an effective repair, advanced periodontal disease, severe decay, a fracture that cannot be repaired or a poorly positioned (impacted) tooth.  Often a tooth may be removed for orthodontic purposes, and this can include baby teeth.

Depending on the case, the extraction can be a simple one or more involved, requiring a surgical procedure.

The third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth, are often removed because there isn’t adequate space in the jaw to accommodate them (impacted).  Sometimes, even if they are fully out of the gums, they are very difficult to clean, and by removing them you may be able to improve chronic inflammation associated with improperly cleaned teeth and gums.

At Dynamic Dental, we would be happy to see you for a consultation to determine whether or not your wisdom teeth should be removed.  We will need to take an x-ray called a panorex to see if your teeth are impacted and if there is enough room for them.

There are different types of wisdom teeth extractions, and depending on the type of impaction, we may recommend a referral to an oral surgeon if we recommend removing them:

Soft Tissue Impaction-There is not enough room to allow the gum tissue to retract for adequate cleaning, often leading to periodontal disease or potential deep cavities on the root of the tooth in front of the wisdom tooth.

Partial Bony Impaction-The tooth has partially erupted, but a portion of the crown remains submerged below the gum line and surrounding jawbone. Again, because it is difficult to clean, infection or periodontitis will commonly occur. It may also result in less bone around the molar in front of the wisdom tooth.

Complete Bony Impaction-There is no space for the tooth to erupt and it will remain in the jaw or be partially visible. These can be difficult to remove and may require a referral to an oral surgeon.


Most extractions can be completed in an outpatient procedure in our office.  A simple extraction may only require local anesthetic, but some patients may feel more comfortable with oral sedation.  It is important to note that for some deep impactions, for someone with a complicated medical history, or for someone that will require a very deep form of sedation (IV sedation or general anesthesia) it may be recommended that you see a specialist (oral surgeon).

When facing tooth loss, many patients prefer to begin the process of tooth replacement as soon as possible to limit the time spent with a noticeable gap in the smile, or to prevent movement of remaining teeth into the vacated space.  In addition to extracting teeth, our office is also able to provide treatment following tooth loss.  We offer dental implants, along with other restorations, and we would be happy to discuss with you all possible options to find the intervention that would be the most suitable for your specific situation.

Dynamic Dental – SE Calgary
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Treatment
A full-service family oriented SE Calgary dental clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
