nightguard-300x200Custom Sports Mouthguards:  Teeth are tough, but even they need extra protection sometimes.  Watch any hockey game (or post-game interview) and you’ll see how common mouth injuries are among athletes.  And it isn’t just the pros who are at risk.

At Dynamic Dental, we protect the investment you’ve made in your smile by creating comfortable, custom mouthguards that can take a hit when you’re playing sports.  And, because they’re moulded on site to fit your exact bite, having one in your mouth won’t throw you off your game.

Custom mouthguards should be worn by kids and adults alike in any sporting activity where a blow to the mouth is a possibility.  After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Dynamic Dental – SE Calgary
Custom Mouthguards & Nightguards/Splints
A full-service family oriented SE Calgary dental clinic
#210, 163 Quarry Park Blvd. SE

Custom nightguard/splint:  Some people cause damage to their teeth or jaw muscles by grinding or clenching at night.  A custom nightguard can be made to help prevent the harmful effects associated tooth-grinding or clenching.  Some patients may have symptoms associated with tooth-grinding such as headaches, tooth sensitive (to things such as hot/cold), jaw and/or muscle pain.  While others may not experience physical pain but are affected by excessive tooth wear.  At Dynamic Dental, we perform a thorough examination and recommend one of many different nightguard designs that will be best suited to your specific long-term dental health.
